Post Admission Instructions


The students are advised to keep themselves informed about the day-to-day instructions given to them through notice boards and Institute website at A plea of ignorance of any rule cannot be accepted as an excuse for breaking it. Any student of first semester absenting from class on the very first day without notice or without adequate reasons is liable to be removed from the rolls of the Institute by the Principal.

  1. Students are expected to behave with decorum and to pay due respects to their faculty and other staff members. Every member of staff has the authority to forbid disorderly behaviour either within or outside the Institution and must be immediately obeyed by students in such circumstances. Students failing to observe this clause are liable to be punished with levy of fines and even expulsion from the Institution.
  2. Smoking, consuming of alcohol, Tobacco is not allowed either in the Institution, Examination Hall, or in the hostel premises. Any student found committing breach of this rule shall be expelled from the Institution summarily.
  3. Late arrival or early departures from a class are recorded as absence from the class for the period concerned.
  4. The Rules and Regulations/Instructions framed by the State Board of Technical Education, Haryana shall have superseding effect over the provisions and representations made in this prospectus. A copy of such Rules and Regulations will be maintained in the institute’s library and should be referred to by each student. Any amendments or modifications in the rules will be kept in the library office of the Principal of the Institution for the reference of the students for making themselves up to date in respect of such amendments.
  5. Legal disputes, if any, to the level of session court are subject to the Jurisdiction of the place of centralized admission.

Revised Admission Instructions By Government

The government of Haryana issued following new instructions which are useful for admission:

The Institution provides facilities for different kinds of extracurricular activities of the students like Sports, Games, Hobby Club, Music and Dramatic Club etc. Every student can take part in one or more of the activities provided. The Institutions are equipped with modern teaching aids.

SR. NO. Follow Link
1 Replacement of affidavit by self declaration
2 Criteria for OBC raising of Financial Limits 4.50 lacs to 6 lacs.
3 Regarding issuance of certificate for SC, BC and OBC candidate on the pattern of Central GovtProforma for Govt. central Job.


The students of the Polytechnics are required to strictly abide by the rules pertaining to uniform as given below. Every student shall equip himself/herself with the necessary sets of uniform. Non-compliance may lead to imposition of fines.

  • Boys: White Shirt, Black Pant, Black Shoes, Grey Blazer/Sweter
  • Girls: White Ladies Suit or White Shirt, Black Pant, Black Shoes, Grey Blazer/Sweter

Library and Reading Room

  • Books must be returned or got renewed within 15 days, but the Librarian may summon the return to any book earlier and when urgently required.
  • Fine as per Library rules will be imposed for every book returned late.
  • Students will be required to pay the cost of books, if lost by them. Fine as per library rules shall also be imposed.
  • Marking on books, defacing or tearing of paper is not permitted and the defaulters will ordinarily be required to pay the price of the book.
  • Technical journals are only provided in the Reading Room for the students.

Students Extra Curricular Activities

The Institution provides facilities for different kinds of extracurricular activities of the students like Sports, Games, Hobby Club, Music and Dramatic Club etc. Every student can take part in one or more of the activities provided. The Institutions are equipped with modern teaching aids.