Architecture Assistantship

Architecture is the art and science of designing and construction of buildings and other physical structures. It includes Planning at macro-level like town planning,urbandesign,landscaping etc. and interiors at micro-level.

Salient Features of the Course
SR. NO. Title Description
1 Programme Name Diploma course in Architectural Assistantship.
2 Entry Qualification Matriculation and as per norms laid down by the AICTE/ State
Board of Technical Education (10+)
3 Course Duration 3 Years
Career Opportunities
SR. NO. Description
1 Architecturre Department
2 Architecture Colleges
3 PWD(B & R)
4 Electricity Boards and Cooperation
5 Urban Development Agencies
6 Private Architectural Firms
7 Housing Boards and Corporation
8 Interior Design Firms
9 3-D Development and Modelling Agencies